Thursday, May 12, 2005

Noble Cause or Help for the Moronic?

I was listening to my car radio on my way to work today, as I usually do. Usually what I hear on the radio gives me a lot of things for which to be outraged and/or disgusted about, or simply things which need improvement in today's world. Today's news reports give me reason to be just that, disgusted. Would you like to know why? Too late, here's why. I heard about an organization called which has helpful hints for the upcoming hot summer season. They suggested, rightfully so, that parents and caregivers not leave children alone in cars as the heat can become overwhelming and deadly, even with the windows open slightly.
In the news report (and here is the part that is outrageous), they indicated this organization suggests placing "a diaper or a toy in the front seat or a briefcase in the backseat to remind you that your kids are in the car with you." Is this for real? Someone please, (please!) tell me what parents are out there who are traveling anywhere and do not know who else is in the car with them, let alone their own children!
For those of you who know me, you're familiar with my advocacy for involved parenting. Well, not knowing your kids are in the same car is as far from parental involvement as one can get, isn't it? I trust those of you who are reading this are caring and insightful individuals (after all, why else would you be reading such an interesting column!), but please, if any of you do not know that your child is traveling in the same car as you are, please drop them off at the nearest hospital or fire station and admit yourself into the nearest mental institution!   
Seriously, this information to not leave children unattended is obviously crucial information and should be disseminated to the widest audience possible. My criticism is not intended to be derisive of SafeKids. They have a valid point, and maybe they are simply more in tune with the need to "dumb down" their message for the masses. Personally, I can see how one could underestimate how hot a car can become, but it's simply important not to leave your child unattended, hot car or not hot car.
SafeKids is a very worthy organization and I support and endorse their efforts. I was merely dumbfounded by the realization that there are people, (parents!) who are out there who simply are beyond clueless. If there is such a thing as a negative I.Q., it would surely be applicable in these cases. These parents can be proud of their rotted brain cells and boast of an I.Q. of, say, -50?

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