Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Justice Done

Well, it looks like Alejandro Avila, the scumbag who molested and murdered little Samantha Runnion, has been sentenced to death. With the backlog of deathrow inmates in California now standing at over 600, and with the appeals processes, it is likely to be decades before he is actually executed. For Samantha's mom Erin, this is little comfort other than that this poor excuse for a human will not be able to perpetrate the same type of crime on others. Personally, I think that medieval-style torture techniques may be too kind a gesture for someone who could abduct a child who was playing with a friend and proceed to commit such heinous acts. I understand the defense was trying to portray him as a "good co-worker" and someone who "had a rough childhood." There are absolutely no excuses for this behavior and I am thrilled the jury was wise enough to not allow ridiculous notions of sympathy for this criminal to win out. He will now rot in jail for decades and be executed. While my feelings of anger towards this individual may or may not be "Christ-like" as in turning the other cheek, I feel good that society has ridded itself of at least one more beast. Please click here for a link to, a site founded by Samantha's mother to help make society aware of how to stop violence against children. I can't think of a much more worthy cause.

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