Thursday, November 10, 2005

Moral Right-of-Way Defined

Hi everyone. It's been awhile since I've posted here, what with all of my projects with Carrie Underwood, and stuff like that. But, I can't help but opine on a couple of "road rage" incidents which have occurred these past two days.

Yesterday, I was on my way home when I saw a car waiting patiently to turn left and enter my lane of traffic. They were waiting and waiting and waiting so I thought I'll just keep cruising along. Dopey me! They decided to pull in front of me, causing me to slam on my brakes. I rarely honk my horn since there is really no point anymore. People seem to give a car horn about as much credence as a car alarm sounding ad nauseum. So I honked my horn anyway since I was giving in to my baser instincts to convey my disdain. The other driver immediately put on their brakes and came to a complete stop, causing me to now steer around them. I proceeded while muttering under my breath the word "stupid."
So I now continued on my "merry way." Then, two mile later, who drives up to the side of my car but this very same driver who had been following me the whole time. Hmmm, I was thinking I was now going to have to call the police. Is this person challenging me to a duel? I really don't have time for this type of aberant behavior. He seemed to be content just to make it known that he dislikes horns, with a passion.

Incident number 2 was this morning. I was now driving to work and the same situation arose, albeit with a different driver. Truck merges into my lane and, once again, I need to slam on my brakes. The difference is this morning, I did not sound my car horn. Fewer potential life threats I thought. So now I am right upon the tail end of this truck and, apparently in their mind, I did not offer them enough graciousness with space for their needs. They also slow down to approximately 5 mph, so I changed lanes to go around them. I see the light is yellow and I was thinking, darn it. Oh, well. Then I see them floor it and run the red light. Question to you all: Is it really that important for this person to try to impede my progress, and they have to run the red light, merely to make some misguided point?

Attention drivers: Here is the definition of "right-of-way" as defined by the city code of Elko, Nevada (per Google search): "Right of way" means the right of one vehicle or pedestrian to proceed in a lawful manner in preference to another vehicle or pedestrian approaching under such circumstances of direction, speed and proximity as to give rise to danger of collision unless one grants precedence to the other.

The connection I am making, in this context, is what is it about certain people who feel their needs (their right-of-way) takes precedence over another's? Everyone cannot simultaneousl have the right of way anymore than everyone can have their own morality. This is what I have often referred to as moral relativism. Likewise, this could be seen as right-of-way relativism. It's something we should all think about, and maybe we can avoid some accidents while driving ourselves and our loved ones about town.