Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
I Support Film Works L.A.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
The Race Card
I don't think we're going to settle the question of more government vs less government. So, we'll have to agree to disagree. But, to wrap things up with what appears to be the case of the protesters at OWS...being upset solely with the financial industry for what's happening with the economy is like a toddler being upset with Mattel when another toddler takes their toy away. I believe that people should be aiming their disappointment at those who have dug a hole for our country and those who have really let us down: the government. And, yes, there have been mistakes made by Obama and by Bush and by every president before them.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
The Party of "Caring"
I'm all for a safety net for those who are truly in need. But, what I mean by "cradle-to-grave" is a popular mindset amongst a seemingly growing portion of the population which implies that a person cannot survive or thrive without taking advantage of freebies being offered by the government. Ultimately, it's a dis-empowering mindset which condemns those who buy into it to a life of strife and angst. Case-in-point: some of those at OWS. I'm not for protecting a certain group of people. I'm all for fairness for everyone, not just the "flavor of the week." As for invoking the race card, of course you don't hear that from (many) liberals because they may not even realize they're doing it. They're simply too caught up in their own dysfunctional thought processes. More cases-in-point: Morgan Freeman, Bryant Gumbel, et al. Surely, you can't feel that making people feel they are victims is empowering. However, if we toss aside those at the fringe extremes on the right or left, I still believe there is hope to make this country work fairly for all. Maybe I'm just being naive and an idealist.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Pelosi's disclosure belated in husband's land deal
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s husband, a real estate developer and investment banker, stands to make millions of dollars in a previously undisclosed residential real estate project in California as a partner with the father of a woman Mrs. Pelosi helped become ambassador to Hungary, records show.
Paul F. Pelosi’s investment in Russell Ranch is worth at least $5 million and possibly as much as $25 million in a deal put together by his friend and longtime business associate, Angelo Tsakopoulos, patriarch of a multimillion-dollar real estate development firm, according to Mrs. Pelosi’s latest personal-disclosure statement.
>> More:Pelosi's disclosure belated in husband's land deal - Washington Times
Wait. I thought she was part of the 99%! Shhh! Don't tell anyone occupying Wall Street! It'll be our little secret.
� Racist Fascism on Tape: Lisa Fithian, Organizer Behind #OccupyWallSt, Addresses Activists in Chicago
Lisa Fithian, the anarchist who is organizing #OccupyWallSt “direct actions” with unions and Democrats across the country, addressed several hundred evidently brainwashed activists at their “General Assembly” in Chicago on October 10, 2011.
She described the coordination between “community-based organizations” and unions across the country in a “fall campaign,” and described the racial speech codes that #Occupy enforces at its meetings.
Fithian actually called for white men to speak first at meetings, in order to create a racial solidarity that can unite all of #Occupy’s disparate groups. [Update: It was apparently unclear, even to the activists, whether Fithian used the pronoun "they" to refer to white men, or to everyone else.]
The cult-like crowd repeated almost every word.
The allure of an Obama-Hillary ticket
The Washington mouths are blabbering that Vice President Joe Biden will take a political bullet for his president and step off the 2012 presidential ticket. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama’s archrival-turned-secretary of state, is tired of the international fly-arounds and serving as red meat for America’s attack dogs.
>> More: The allure of an Obama-Hillary ticket - Chicago Sun-Times
Why are we so generous towards the deviants?
Sawyer's Flub: Claims Wall Street Protests Have ‘Spread to More Than a Thousand Countries’
Iranian Actress Faces Flogging Over Film
>> Full Story at
Monday, October 10, 2011
SPIN METER: Obama's disconnect in jobs sales pitch
When Obama accuses Republicans of standing in the way of his nearly $450 billion plan, he ignores the fact that his own party has struggled to unite behind the proposal.
When the president says Republicans haven't explained what they oppose in the plan, he skips over the fact that Republicans who control the House actually have done that in detail.
And when he calls on Congress to "pass this bill now," he slides past the point that Democrats control the Senate and were never prepared to move immediately, given other priorities. Senators are expected to vote Tuesday on opening debate on the bill, a month after the president unveiled it with a call for its immediate passage.
>> More: SPIN METER: Obama's disconnect in jobs sales pitch �|
Occupy DC - Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) and Bob Avaikian supporter
TSA: Children pose little risk, can keep shoes on during security check
>> More: TSA: Children pose little risk, can keep shoes on during security check
I'm baaack!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Jerry Brown signs California Dream Act
This may actually make some sense after all. If we're not going to enforce our borders, at least we can help educate these students. And as long as legal residents get preference, I don't have a problem with it. Maybe Governor Perry isn't crazy after all.
>> More: Jerry Brown signs California Dream Act - latimes.comChavez slams "horrible repression" of U.S. protests
Chavez opines: "Poverty's growing, the misery is getting worse," he said, referring to the causes of the U.S. protests. "But that empire is still there, still a threat ... (President Barack) Obama is on his way down, for lots of reasons. He was a big fraud." Ouch! That is some really tough love coming from one's soul mate!
>> More: Chavez slams "horrible repression" of U.S. protests - Yahoo! NewsFriday, October 7, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Hundreds march on Pasadena bank and San Marino home
Marching on someone's home is over the line. Whether you have a valid grievance or not, this is someone's private residence. And what if there are children in the house? Can you imagine the trauma of having an angry mob knocking on your door?
>> More: Hundreds march on Pasadena bank and San Marino home - Pasadena Star-News
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
The Bigger the Government, the Less You Are Needed
Among the things left and right, religious and secular, agree on is that one of the few real needs human beings have is to be needed.
When we are not needed, life feels pointless.
The need to be needed is universal. Men need it; women need it. The sexes may feel needed in different ways, but the depth of the need is the same. Many women feel particularly alive when needed by their young children; many men feel worthy when needed by their family and/or their work. That is why most women navigate difficult emotional straits when their adult children leave home and assume independent lives, and why most men find it so crushing to lose their job -- not necessarily because of loss of income, but because of the loss of meaning that comes from no longer being needed.
>> More: The Dennis Prager ShowMonday, October 3, 2011

My son and I attended a recent taping of "Jessie," a brand new show on Disney Channel. It premiered on September 30th. Check out "Jessie" every Friday night (check your local listings). Trust me, this show is gonna be a smash hit. It's way better than many sitcoms on broadcast TV.
How 'Pan Am,' 'Playboy Club' Re-Created Iconic Looks From the '60s

The costume designers working on the new drama series tell THR about their painstaking efforts to achieve authenticity -- and reveal Hugh Hefner's initial reaction to the Bunny outfits.
TV's obsession with early-'60s style shows no sign of stopping. This fall, new series Pan Am and The Playboy Club are showcasing two iconic looks long identified (for better or worse) with the era: the stewardess and the Bunny.
>> More
Catch Katie
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
ISPCC - I Can't Wait Until I Grow Up
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Watched Bill Maher's show on HBO. How can he and Michael Moore espouse that Americans should no longer seek success or wealth as these goals are now hopeless? Aren't they successful and wealthy? They've got a good scam going and I pity those who view them as role models. On a more positive note: kudos to former Rep. Jane Harmon for setting them straight.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity Attacked in New Video Game
Humorous, but more evidence of the double-standard.